


1 The League shall be known as the South Devon Summer Tennis League.


2 The objects of the League shall be:-

a) To promote, foster and safeguard the game of tennis in South Devon.

b) To arbitrate in all differences, complaints and disagreements between Clubs, which are not covered by the rules of the League and its decisions shall be final and binding.


3 Membership of the League shall be open to all Clubs in the South Devon area and such membership shall be at the discretion of the Committee.

4 Application for membership shall be made to the Secretary of the League no later than March 1st each year.


5 The annual subscription for each team entered in the League shall be £4.00 subject to an annual review.


6 The affairs of the League shall be managed by a Committee consisting of Chairman, Secretary, Match Secretary and Treasurer.

Annual General Meeting:-

7 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of April in each year

8 All members of the Clubs may attend the A.G.M. but only ONE representative from each club shall be entitled to vote.

9 Notice of Motion for change of rules etc. must be sent to the Match Secretary in writing by March 1st each year.

10 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be summoned on the request of not less than five clubs. Such request shall state clearly the business to be transacted and shall be signed by the Secretary of the clubs concerned. No business other than mentioned in the request shall be discussed at such E.G.M.


11 All matches shall be played between Monday and Friday.

12 The League fixture lists shall be arranged by the Match Secretary. Any amendments may be made by the Club representative at the A.G.M. and a copy forwarded to the Match Secretary. Amendments may be made up to 7 days after the AGM being held. After that date no postponements will be allowed except by the home team as per Rule 17. All matches shall be played on the date specified on the fixture list unless both captains agree to an earlier date.

13 One home and one away match shall be played between each team in a division

14 Eight points shall be awarded for each match; one point for each set won.

15 All fixtures shall be played on the date specified in the fixture list.

16 All matches shall commence no later than 6.45pm by which time all players must be on court and ready to play.

17 Only the home team may postpone a match due to bad weather. The home team must then within five days inform the Match Secretary of the postponement and offer the opponents at least three alternative dates for the re-arranged match. The opposing team must agree a date within two weeks of the postponement and the Match Secretary notified of the new date by the home team.

18 If a team fails to fulfil a match other than due to bad weather (rule 17), then the team cancelling the match will be fined 4 points, but will then be given the opportunity to re-arrange the match as per Rule 17. A team will only be able to re-arrange a match once. Failure to do this will result in the 8 points being awarded to the opposing team.

19 A League match shall consist of two mixed doubles events followed by one ladies’ doubles event and one men’s doubles event (medley format).

20 An event is to consist of two sets with a tie-break at six games all for each set required.

21 A team is to consist of a minimum of four players who are current members of the Tennis Club played for.

22 Players may only play for one tennis club.

23 Each Club is required to register a minimum of four players for each team entered in the League with the Match Secretary before any matches are played. No further registrations can take place after June 30th.

24 COUNTY PLAYERS:- Any player who has played at Under 18 County Level in the last 5 years is not eligible to play in the League. Any player who has played at Senior or Over 35 County Level in the last 10 years is not eligible to play in this League.

25 Clubs entering more than one team:-

a) No registered player may play for a lower ranked team than the one registered for. A registered player may play in a higher ranked team(s) within their Club on a maximum of two occasions and remain eligible for inclusion in their original team.

b) A registered player playing in a higher ranked team on a third occasion is required to re-register for the higher team. A player may only be re-registered once and then may not then play for a higher ranked team.

c) Clubs with 2 teams in the same division must complete their 2 inter-club fixtures before May 31st. No points will be awarded for matches played after this date. (Except for postponement due to bad weather, which must be re-arranged before June 30th).

d) Only 2 teams from each club are allowed in each division.

26 Any team playing an un-registered player will forfeit the points won by this player to the opposing team and also be fined 2 points.

27 In the event of matches being curtailed by bad weather:-

a) Where four or more sets have been completed, the points shall be awarded as won by the respective teams and the points for the remaining sets shared.

b) Where four sets have not been completed, the match shall be deemed to have not started and the fixture re-arranged before September 1st.

c) The Match Secretary shall be informed of all re-arranged matches by the home team.

d) One point will be deducted from the home team if they do not notify the Match Secretary of a match being cancelled within seven days of the original fixture date.

28 In the event of a match having started and a player being injured or unable to continue playing, any points already won by that player will be awarded. However, the relevant points left will be awarded to the opposing team.

29 A minimum of six new tennis balls must be provided by the home team for each match.

30 One score card must be completed for each match and signed by both team captains. The home team captain must then forward the score card to the Match Secretary within seven days of the date of the fixture. One point will be deducted form the home team for a card not received by the Match Secretary within seven days of the match being played.

31 With regard to the mixed doubles events, the seeding must be finalised and written on the score card by the home team first.

32 The team with the lowest number of points in Division One will be placed in Division Two next season.

33 The team with the lowest number of points in Division Two will be placed in Division Three next season.

34 The team with the highest number of points in Division Two will be placed in Division One next season.

35 The team with the highest number of points in Division Three will be placed in Division Two next season.

36 In the event of a tie between two or more teams, the placing will be decided as per the following:-

a) The team who has won the most matches.

b) The team who has scored the most points against the team(s) tied with.

c) The Team who has won the most games against the team(s) tied with.

37 If the teams are still level after considering each of the above in order, then a play-off will take place on a neutral ground as decided by the League Committee.

38 CHANGE OF RULES:- Any proposed amendment to the Rules must be sent to Match Secretary by March 1st each season by a club.

39 If making an appeal against a decision made by the Management Committee, this has to be forwarded in writing, to the Match Secretary within 7 days of written notification of decision.

Knock Out Cup:- Rules as per the League except:-

A player can only play for one team in the cup competition.

In the event of a draw, the team with the most games wins. If the games are equal, the away team wins.

Date for the Knock Out Cup Final to be decided at the A.G.M..

For any problems with this site, please email the match secretary